1.She had a little rest after lunch , but she worked hard in class all day , She played basketball after school , and then walked home.
2.shortly after lunch , master arrived in a new golf cart and soon everyone surrounded her with joy and an outpouring of love for her.
3.When Mr. Morris returned to his office after lunch, his secretary had a message for him from his lawyer.
4.I had given them easy books to read after lunch, while I was trying to make up some lists of students' names for the office.
5.And yet, after lunch at the Guangdian Hotel, the city's chief engineer, Yu Haibo, led me to the roof of the restaurant for another view.
6.a: today is such a fine spring day, let's take a walk after lunch.
7.After lunch the son-in-law and his wife are free to leave.
8.Trade a quick shoulder rub with a coworker after lunch to perk both of you up for the rest of the afternoon.
9.Then I got to my algebra class, right after lunch, and sat down.
10.We won't feel so sleepy after lunch and I might be able to loose some weight.